Dissertation Guidelines

1. Referencing & Bibliography

Students are obliged to follow the Harvard System of Referencing (6th edition). A quick guide to the HSR can be found in: https://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm

2. Pictures/Tables/Diagrams

All material must appear in the text numbered, captioned and, if non original, appropriately referenced. Eg.  Table 1. European Union Unemployment Rate,  Jan. 2017- Jan. 2018. Source: Tradingeconomics.com/Eurostat

3. Formatting

Dissertations should be written in Times New Roman (12’ regular for text, 14’ regular bold for section headings,  12’ italics bold for subsection headings, 16’ regular bold for Chapter headings), with 1 ½ spacing, and no space between paragraphs. The text should be justified, allowing for a 2.5’’ margin on all four sides of the page.

4. Numbering

All pages, including those with tables and figures, must be numbered. Use lower case Roman numerals (I, ii, …) for the front matter: Abstract, Contents, Lists of Figures/Maps/Tables, Preface (optional), acknowledgments (optional), epigraph or dedication (optional) and Arabic numbers for the text. An Introduction may be Chapter 1 or it may procede Chapter 1, but it must be numbered as part of the text. The body of the dissertation must begin on page 1. Page numbers must by placed in the lower right-hand corner.

5. Abstract – Key Words

Every dissertation must contain an abstract. An abstract is a consice summary of the dissertation, intended to inform readres about its content. It usually includes a brief description of the research, the procedures or methods and the results or conclusions. It should be no more than 350 words. Underneath the abstract, the author must specify 3-5 key words, that reflect the central themes of the dissertation.

6. Footnotes

Footnotes should be used sparingly, and ony contain vital supplementary material. They are especially recommended for websites, which in no way must appear as in-text references. Endnotes are not allowed.

7. Title Page – Chapter page – Contents page

All these pages must appear exactly as shown in the examples given below.